
SG50 Haze: what it means to Singapore

The haze has made me very sleepy. I am not impressed at the PSI which is now over 240. For those who are clearing the land in Indonesia, they do not understand that for the monies that they earn clearing the land and profiting from the products sold, thousands in Singapore are breathing in the fine dust particles and harming their health. Many of us also have to consume more drinks both at home and outside, switch on additional hours of air-conditioner and fan at home, thus incurring higher electricity charges. Who should be responsible for us having to incur higher electricity charges? Who should foot the increased bills above? Who should be responsible for endangering our health?

SINGAPORE CABINET LINE-UP: Eight Things you need to Know

PM Lee has just announced his new Singapore cabinet and some of the line-up which are surprising to me are: 1) Twenty ministers including Prime Minister in the cabinet, this, I believe is the highest number of Ministers to-date in Singapore's cabinet. 2) No new ministries were formed in line with an increase in the number of Ministers. I have expected that with many Ministers around, there would be have at least one new Ministry for new Ministers to helm.


The haze seems to take a turn for the better. At least from my windows at home, I can see the surroundings. But from the haze website, the PSI is still above 100 which is unhealthy. I long for a jog, I have not had one for few months. I was thinking of jogging some weeks ago, if not because of the haze. True, I could turn to the gyms but jogging on the treadmill is no fun, it cannot compares with running outdoors. I jogged only for a very few times on the threadmill before my arm will inadvertently swang and hit the "Stop" button on the threadmill and then my jogging routine will come to a stop before the intended duration of jog. You can follow me on Facebook page if you find my posts interesting


Today, the haze situation in Singapore worsened with the PSI in the middle of afternoon reaching a high of 239! This is one of the highest PSI for Singapore this year. Despite the haze, I saw on the streets not many people wearing facemasks these days as compared to the initial haze experiences that Singapore had in the previous years. I believe it has to be due to the fact that people are now "used" to the haze and also the fact that wearing a N95 face mask is not very comfortable to many. I have my windows at home shut down and use the fan for cooling comfort. I have drank quite a number of canned herbal drinks too. On hazy days like these, I believe many people will not complain of the normal hot and humid climate of Singapore. You can follow me on Facebook page if you find my posts interesting


Amos Yee was slapped yesterday while he was heading to the state courts. When I saw the video of Amos Yee being slapped by a much more muscular man, I did not know what to say. I noted that the man seemed to adjust his spectacles prior to giving Amos that slap, perhaps he just wanted to make sure that it was Amos and not some other men with a funky hairstyle before he made his move? Also the man did not rush to slap Amos, perhaps the move was to surprise Amos. You can follow me on Facebook page if you find my posts interesting


By now, I believe most Singaporeans have heard of how two foreign workers rescue a stuck toddler today. This episode shows us that the humble foreign construction workers are part of our community who will render us assistance where needed, beside building our houses on our island. You can follow me on Facebook page if you find my posts interesting


Singapore's weather is now very hot in the afternoon with temperatures reaching a high of 34 degree Celsius as reported. The weather is especially hot in the afternoon and it makes me not interested to do much things as it is really very frustrating to be under the heat. I believe shopping centres will have a good time as Singaporeans flock to these places to enjoy the cool air-con. Drinks stalls should be main beneficiaries of the hot days too. You can follow me on Facebook page if you find my posts interesting

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